Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I really like this site because even if it is kind of photoshop the drawings have the 3D perspective or point of view.
I really like this site because of, the concept of having a lot of different universes and a lot of points of gravity (on the stairs one), its really cool.
I like this one because of its realism that the artist gives to the faces, it also seems to me that it has a good use of value.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these! It's great for me to see what type of art and drawings that you are attracted to. The first site you posted is really interesting and a few of the drawings fall into the trompe l'oeil style.... like the elephant coming out of the page (a personal favorite). Your comment about the MC Escher drawings brings me back to a comment I just made on your 3D house.... maybe this is something you explore in sculpture or even drawing... the idea of imaginary spaces and worlds.

    And lastly, while the drawings on the last site are very well done and I agree the values ranges are good, I would caution any student preparing for a college portfolio to stay away from drawing from photographs, especially of celebrities. Drawing from photos tends to flatten your drawings and furthermore we want to see more about you in your portfolio, not a celebrity!
